Raef's big 5!

We are still in disbelief that our baby is 5 years old!  And he is just the coolest kid we know.  We love him so very much and feel tremendously blessed to have him in our little family.  He wanted a dinosaur and transformers themed birthday party and we let him invite a few friends and family.  Papa was there to celebrate with us also!  It seems like he is smiling in every one of these pics because he was smiling the whole night.  This is what he loves most!  We had pizza first and play time and then cake and icecream and presents finally at the end. 
Ryan kept asking why it isn't his birthday.  We felt bad after he endured a party for Raef on Friday night by Uncle Cam, a friend party for Raef on Saturday night, and then a celebration for Papa on Sunday.  "No birthday for me," he kept saying.  He hung in there though and was a good sport, just very sad and confused. 
These are the nicest dinos I've ever seen.  They are very heavy and look quite real.
Raef was very spoiled with presents everywhere and tons of cool handmade cards.  Phone calls poured in the entire day and he actually got annoyed by the end of the day and I just spoke to people.  If I told him the phone was for him, he would hit his forehead and say, "what, another call just for me?" "I'm so lucky!"  It was a perfect day!

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