Not so easy

We wanted to thank everyone again for your thoughts and prayers in Raef's behalf this last week.  If you did not hear, Raef was back in the hospital again for 3 days due to a cold that induced his asthma.  The first day I took him in was the worse I have seen him.  Trent and I both apologize for not speaking with everyone about the situation and keeping you all up to date this time.  We went numb both of us.  I think perhaps to protect us from breaking during that moment.  We are so beyond exhausted and tired of this happening to our little boy and feel helpless as we watch his asthma progress to emergency status within 1 day.  It's scary to say the least.  In four years here in Ohio, we have been to the ER with Raef 6 times and ICU 3 of those.  We are tired of talking about it with people.  I feel like maybe if we don't talk about it anymore, it will go quickly and we can get him home and pretend it never happened.  We both know, looking back, that that is not the best path we should have taken, but until you have gone through something like this over and over again, it is difficult to explain.  So, please know of our gratitude to all of you and although we may not have been in contact with you, we knew that you loved us and that's what we needed.  We are optimistic and hopeful that Las Vegas will do miracles for Raef and allow him to stay out of the hospital and no more rides in the ambulance.  Please join with us in prayer for him that his lungs would heal and he would grow strong enough to fights this.  We love you all and are tremendously grateful for your love and strength you give us.


Rachel said...

oh Amanda I am soo sorry. That is an awful thing to go through. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers. What an awful thing for a little guy to go through. I wish you luck, lots of love and even more energy for you all to make it through this.

Tera said...

Hey Amanda, I am so glad I checked out your blog, but so sorry to hear of the scares and trials your beautiful little family has been through. I did want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. But I also wanted to let you know, and hopefully give a small degree of relief and comfort that the military health care is AWESOME! Raef will get the absolute best care, and hopefully you will be able to have answers, peace of mind,and a healthy boy. Please know we are only a phone call away if you need to vent, or visit, or have any questions! Good Luck!