Jennys Lake

We had to make the stop off at Jennys lake and take the ferry across the lake. The boys loved it! We hiked to a waterfall and then had a picnic lunch before deciding to hike the 3 miles back instead of ride the boat. We weren't sure if the boys would make it but we gave it a try. They did fantastic and didn't putter out until the very end. They said they did better when they had their shirts off. Oh of course! What was I thinking! And Raef had a whole new wind after he went to the bathroom on the side of the trail. He said, "mom, that's why I was tired. I knew something was wrong. It was because I had all that mushy stuff inside my belly making my superhero powers weak." Yeah, I'm sure that was exactly what it was! Aaaahhh, I love these little people!

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