Wyoming sweet Wyoming

In Montana, Ryan would not even come close to a 4-wheeler. He cried every time we tried. But then we got to Wyoming and we are not sure what happened, but he did a complete 180. We could not keep him off of them. He would go on a ride on one and then come back and jump on another one and say that was his favorite and do the same pattern for hours. And if

he and Raef didn't get to ride on their favorite ones, well, life as we knew it was over. Seriously! One night I was driving him around and he didn't want to get off and as I stopped to take a break from the dust, he almost toppled right off and I realized he had fallen asleep!

1 comment:

Mom said...

So nice to read all about the Wyoming part of your trip. I enjoyed all the pics and stories so much. Amanda, your sense of humor is wonderful, keep it up.