
So, we finally stayed up and watched Spiderman with Raef wondering if it would dash all of his thoughts that he was really Spiderman. But it actually did the opposite. And to make matters worse, the spider bite that Spiderman gets in the movie is in the exact same spot Raef's freckle is on his hand. Wierd huh? Maybe he really is Spiderman. Then as we're watching the part in the movie when he wakes up and realized that he has gigantic muscles, I look over and Raef is sitting up taller and taller and flexing every muscle in his body. We couldn't help but laugh. Everytime Spiderman went flying through the sky, he would yell, "look, mom its me, Spiderman." We had a costume from a previous Halloween and dug it out and watched as Raef transformed into Spiderman. He was shooting webs at us and crouching down just the movie. We were laughing hystically for an hour as he performed.

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