Cam followed Ryan around most of the day. They have become best buds and I'm not sure which one is more in love. Last year I ruined any hopes of a good day at the water park when I placed little Ryan in the water and let him wade around with me. All was well until a giant bucket tipped over and dumped a huge amount of water right next to us with a very loud noise. I screamed and ran out, leaving Ryan behind. I know, I'm a terrible mom. So he did not want anywhere near the water this year. I held my breath this year, waiting to see how he reacted. he did great. He took some time to warm up to the slides and getting under the water but as soon as he got into the giant hottub, he became completely fearless along with Raef. They swam all over by themselves(and their life vests) and loved every minute of it. It was a great weekend and a nice break from the normal day.

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