Trent and I escaped for our yearly trip to the Marriot for the Valentines Day special. A night on the town, chocolate covered strawberries, a little bubbly, and then sleep. Quiet, completely uninterrupted sleep. And then a late checkout with breakfast in bed so we could sleep in. Sleep in? Apparhently my body doesn't do that anymore. I have somehow become the same alarm clock my 1 year old is set at......6:00! Nooooooo!!!! Unbelievable. My one day to sleep in and have no guilt doing so and I can't sleep. oh well, it was really fun bugging Trent. Man we need a vacation! one night was so fabulous but we are teetering too close to the edge of insanity here we just might fall. All is well though and we are desperately trying to survive the terrible age of bumps and bruises for Ryan. I swear he has a new gooseegg every day. He just got another one about 5 minutes ago trying to kamikaze off of our bed into a portacrib about 5 feet away. Nice try little one!
Little Raef started collecting change in a jar and Trent told him it was for a mission fund. Well, Raef associated that with Diego's mission to save the animals and thinks now he is going to Africa. Great. We are all very ready for some nice weather and sunshine. Actually, I am just getting annoyed with it now. It's not funny anymore. I need these boys to get out of my house and get some energy out. That damn groundhog!

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