Tae Kwon Do

Well, Raef began his first activity this last week and loved it! I have never seen him so out of his comfort zone and so in the right place. I was that mom trying to take pictures of the first day and getting a dirty look when my flash disrupted Raef. Woops! So, here is the picture in our house since I didn't get a very good one. Raef is the littlest one but doesn't slow down a bit. The only part we are still working on with him is his "yes sir!" He yells it perfectly and respectfully but we can't get him to stop saluting every time he says it. When Master Kwon said he had great coordination and would love him to stay in his class but wondered about the saluting, all I could say was , "hey, his dad and two uncles are in the Air Force and will be proud to know they have taught him something." I laughed everytime as he ran by saluting and yelling,"yes sir!" The video is not so great as I was trying to hold the camera and the button as far as my arm would reach as I would not be seen in the doorway! Yes, I am that mom! AAAAhhhhh! It's still very cute though.

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