A visit to Wyoming

On our way through the states to get to Idaho after the big move, we got to stop in Laramie for a few days and spend it with our longtime friends, the Ericksons.  They took us up to their cabin a few hours away and it was refreshing to be back in the mountains and get dirty.  The boys loved 4-wheeling some more and looked so cute in their little goggles.
They love Charlotte and remembered her instantly.  She is adorable and has no problem getting dirty with the boys.  They jumped on the trampoline for hours.  We had to take turns jumping them as they laughed so hard they each peed their pants.
Adam and Jeffi carry guns everywhere they go.  Sometimes it is a bit scary and others, comforting.  They were a bit freaked out about a mountain lion while we were there so they were flinching at every sound which after a few days made us start to flinch too.  It was kind of funny.  We never saw one of course.  Trent, Adam, and I shot some guns and had fun learning about each one.  I was so shocked by Trent's absolute perfect aim.  It would take me 5 shots to hit the same target.  Just another thing he is much better at than me.  Mmmm and you wonder why there was no mountain lions around?


Adam and the Girls said...

How fun! These pictures are so super cute. I am glad you enjoyed your time up at the cabin...we loved having you guys visit! ~J and A

Mister and Lady said...

Good to see you blogging again. I miss these updates so much. I hope you are feeling better today. Love, Mom