The cute Ugg bugs

Trent absolutely hates my Uggs but I may have convinced him they're not too bad after he saw this pic. Trent is almost done with finals and we are all very happy. It seems like every semester we go through this terrible couple of weeks but this year hit us especially hard. I fell down the stairs a few months ago and apparhently the injury from that manifested itself the last few weeks as a pinched nerve/torn muscle. I have been going to the physician and chiropractor trying to get some relief so I can at least function. It's never easy to be injured and chase two boys around. We have had lots of help though and are surviving. I didn't work for 2 weeks and went back this week to find maybe I shouldn't be back quite yet. Ouch! The boys are getting cabin fever as I haven't taken them out to do the usual exploring. We are all ready for Christmas! We leave for Idaho on Wednesday and will stay there until the new year. We are so excited to hand the boys over and sleep for a few days. Seriously, that's really what we're excited about.

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