We let each of the boys color 6 eggs and it turned out to be so much fun! At first, it was just Daddy dropping the eggs in the dye for them but it quickly ended up a big mess of color dyed fingers and lots of giggles!
The evidence of a perfect night coloring eggs. Ryan made all of his eggs a different color and then learned how to redye the eggs and eventually ended up with all purple eggs. He was so proud!
We found these hilarious stickers for the eggs and watched the boys play with their "egg people" for an hour as they laughed and made different voices.
Smiles all around!
Easter morning was wonderful. Trent did the shopping for the gifts from the Easter Bunny and we couldn't wait for morning. Last year the boys enjoyed finding the eggs more than eating what was in them so this year I only put one little candy in each one and they didn't even open them. They were too excited to find another egg and eat their candy in their baskets. Later than morning was not so good as I finished cooking breakfast and came out into the living room to find Ryan had dumped all of the eggs and grass all over the floor. It literally covered every square inch of the ground. I gasped as I walked in and then walked straight outside as I held my screams from coming out. I went in and put Ryan into time out and talked to him about what he had done. Raef said he didn't make the mess and he went upstairs to stay out of the room. Good idea! Ryan went into three time outs until he finally got the idea that he would be cleaning the mess up, not mom. As he sat crying and apologizing to me, Raef walked downstairs crying. He came over to me and said, "mom, I lied. I went upstairs and said a prayer to Heavenly Father and I'm sorry that I lied to you. I made the mess too." Trent and I looked at eachother as our eyes filled with tears also. What a moment! Our whole family crying! Really, though we couldn't be prouder. It was working! Our boys were learning, despite our inexperience and craziness in teaching. We are doing okay and we felt so grateful that our little boys were learning the most basic of principles. So cute!