We always wonder if we really need to go home to Idaho for Christmas until Christmas gets close and then we know. We love going there and it has always been a very magical time for the boys at Grandmas house. We get to hear for months later that they want to go live at Grandma's house. We some how ended up in first class for two flights and Raef questioned the pilot if there would be a movie and expressed his disappointment in there not being one on thelast flight. The pilot apologized but said he could make it up to him and led him up to the cockpit. He spent 15 minutes up there learning the controls and using them too! I could hear the plane saying, "not able to take off at this moment, please press yellow button." He was turning the seatbelt sign on and off again dinging for 5 minutes but no one seemed to notice as they were all busy getting seated. He loved it! Christmas was perfect. Trent had to study for boards but was able to juggle his time very well so we didn't notice too much! Grandma and Erin and Uncle Auz watched the boys many nights for us so we could go see our dating sights and feel young again! It was so much fun! We went on more dates in two weeks than we usually go in in 6 months! It was fabulous!

Erin and her little love bugs. They remembered her immediately and adored her as usual. What a treasure to be loved by these little ones. They can really make you feel so very special! And she kept up to her usual activies of entertaining them for hours. She was the perfect babysitter for many nights so Trent and I could sneak out for dates. thankyou!!!!
Tractors plowed the snow into a huge pile in the middle of the cul de sac and it seemed to call to us. We had to stop 4 wheeling for awhile and watch the tractors but then we had a monster mountain to conquer. The boys couldn't get dressed fast enough. We even convinced a couple of missionaries out that day to go down. They screamed all the way, and not exactly in a deep manly voice. Too funny!

We took turns driving the 4wheeler and pulling sleds through the neighborhood. Goobers usually wouldn't get off the 4 wheeler but when he did, he laughed hysterically as the sleds bumped into eachother. He still loves driving them better. Raef stayed out there for hours and Ryan stayed out for an hour and then inside for hot cocoa with Grandpa. He would rest, warm up, make Grandpa make the hot cocoa exactly how he instructed him too(no milk Grandpa) and then get dressed back up and out he would go for another hour. He did that all day. We even got Grandma to take a wild ride too.
The boys did very well waiting patiently for their aunts and uncles to get their bahookies out of bed. But once they started they were not about to quit. It was pure torture for them to wait to open presents after breakfast. They made it though and then disappeared with their new toys for day. Aaahhh. Much better. We could go back to bed!
We spent one evening working on gingerbread houses with the boys. I don't know who loved it more. Me or the boys. I was in heaven watching my boys decorate their houses and their bellies. They may have gotten a bit more than needed into the bellies as we had to deal with throwing up that night. I think they got a bug from the airport but it's possible I let them eat a bit too much candy.
A visit from Santa's helper
We really got spoiled when my mom came to visit in December. She came with lots of presents and a shopping list of more stuff to pick up. The boys got their first set of legos(I don't know how that is possible but yes, their first set). They got movies and transformers and lots of treats. I got a KitchenAid stand up mixer and Trent got an espresso machine so we could make our favorite winter treat: steamers! I'm so excited I could pee my pants! Really! Who does this? Who gets spoiled this much in one weekend? I am definitely not complaining. We had lots of fun catching up and chit chatting. Mom took me shoe shopping and grocery shopping too. She even managed to introduce me to some new stores in my own city! Yikes! She treated us to a great weekend!
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