The dinos came back to the zoo and we actually made it all the way through them without a little one running, screaming back to the entrance. The boys loved it, although some tears were definitely shed.
Trent was obviously having more fun than Ryan. This giant t-rex growled very loudly and moved toward you while gnashing his teeth. I'm surprised it scared Goobers! Just kidding! Trent was nice enough though to make sure and torture Raef too so he didn't feel left out.
I came around the corner to find Raef in his own little imaginary world. He had taken sidewalk chalk and drew on his body "like people in Africa do" he told me, his rescue pack loaded with walkie talkies and a cell phone, and of course his net to rescue animals. He was busy rescuing all day and exploring Africa and the jungle.
Ryan escaped after I stripped his suit and swimmers off. I couldn't help but take a picture of this. I still don't know if he was peeing or just in exploration mode.
I'm not sure who had more fun with this cake: Trent, Raef, and I making it, or Goobers eating it! He didn't know where to start and just stared at it for awhile saying, "wow" over and over. Our baby is 2 years old! He got more trains and cars to add to the pile.
We have been married 9 years and have three of the cutest boys around. Raef is 6, Ryan is 4, and baby Caleb just joined our family. We are currently living in Las Vegas while Trent does a residency program at Nellis Air Force Base. We will soon be moving to Wyoming for 4 years.
**Raef: "Dad, why does your boukie(penis) have a moustache?"
-after Raef got a look at Trent naked
**Ryan: "Mom wake up! Santa's here. I hear the Christmas clatter."
Trent: "What the heck is clatter?"
-said at 5:30 am after Trent's iphone/alarm clock went off that sounded a bit like bells. He learned the word clatter from the movie "The Santa Clause." We're going on 3 days now of the same wakeup routine.
**Raef: "Kylee, you know after we get married then your name will be Kylee Buttars."
Kylee: "No, my last name is Rasmussen."
Raef: "Yes, but the girl gets the boys name when you get married. So yours will be Buttars"
Kylee: "But I don't want to be a Buttars!"
-a 5year old discussion in sacrament mtg about marriage
**Ryan: "Easy, mom, easy."
-said after I was pulling his pull-up up and obviously using a little too much force around his "bookie."
**Ryan: "Did you have a good day at primary Raef?"
Raef: "No, Sunday is not my favorite day."
Ryan: "It's my favorite day Raef."
Raef: "Yeah, that's because you're in nursery and you get to play all day. But, I'm in primary now and we have to do boring stuff all day like sing and learn stuff!"
**Ryan: "Mom, I'm gonna get married in the temple.
Mom: "Oh, who are you you gonna marry?"
Ryan: "mom"
Mom:" Well, you can't marry me, I'm already married to Dad."
Ryan: "I'm gonna marry you in the temple and then I can call you Babes."
**Raef: "Mom why does Remi's house have the same sign in front of it to sell their home but theirs has that box with papers that people can take and look at?"
Ryan:"That costs too many dollars Raefy so we can't have one."
**Raef: "Mom, I had a dream about peeing and now I know that girls have boukies(code name for penis) too. But theirs are tucked up inside their bodies with lots of folds and layers just like a pinecone."
Mom: "Who told you that?"
Raef: "My brain mom. I know everything."
**Raef:"Oh shit, Dad there's bogies behind us. Hurry Dad they're gonna shoot us."
-said after watching "Top Gun"--needless to say, it will no longer be showing at the Buttars Theater.